Adrift in The Artist's Studio

Adrift in The Artist's Studio
"More Color! More Color!"

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Legend of Jimmy Gollihue - making of a book

First you have to ensure that your manuscript is ready to BE a book. A lot of self-publishers skip this step, or do it badly. Yes, I'm talking about boring stuff: rewriting, getting people to proofread, running spell checks, making corrections... and that elusive term "Editing."

I'll say it again. Editing. This includes everything from correcting spelling, grammar and punctuation to rearranging the parts of your book to checking and correcting facts. And then some. It's one of the reasons self-publishers have earned themselves a bad name--that, and the underhanded tactics of some vanity publishers.

Let's face it. If your want your book to BE a book, and you've decided to self-publish, it's up to you to represent yourself well, and represent the entire Indie movement well. In other words you must take steps to bring your book up to industry standards.

Prove the world wrong, when the world says: "Self-published books are NEVER as good as traditionally-published books!"

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