Adrift in The Artist's Studio

Adrift in The Artist's Studio
"More Color! More Color!"

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


My first novel, The Legend of Jimmy Gollihue, will be published in July 2011 by PublishingWorks of Exeter, NH. Contracts have been signed, and soon the publicity machine will be underway. In fact, it already is, because blogging is one of the things authors must do today in order to get the word out there about their books.

I made the decision to go with an independent publisher, and I have no regrets. For those of you who’ve read my book, or parts of it, you know that it has something of the Indie about it, the sort of sharp edges and quirkiness you might find in an independent movie, for example. As for PublishingWorks, I have a lot of confidence, because according to Publishers Weekly, PublishingWorks brings big-city know-how to the world of independent publishing, and the company is growing by leaps and bounds.

As for myself, what can I say? I’m excited. Every writer wants to be published. Every writer wants to do book signings and give public readings (or should want to), and I’ll be doing those things. And of course every writer wants to be able to walk into his or her local bookstore and see their book for sale.

What to do, what to do? Author photo! A new suit! A haircut!

And now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to do laundry, because from now on I’ll be wearing clean socks wherever I go.